We had a great summer helping you all enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunatley all great things must come to an end. Water levels on the Lower Salt River have dropped below levels needed to kayak.

For those of you who are interested, you can find the amount of water being released from Saguaro Lake (Stewart Mountain Dam) by using River App on you iPhone or android device. You can also go to this website: https://streamflow.watershedconnection.com

I make it a point to check the flow rate out of the dam above the section of river I am planning to kayak before each trip. After doing this for a while you will get a sense of what 300 cfm (cubic feet per minute) looks like relative to 1500 cfm and what you need to successfully traverse the stretch of river you are on.

We will be doing some hiking excursions throughout the fall and winter months. Stay tuned for more details.

Tagged in : Salt River, Trip

John Hamilton is the owner and lead tour guide for Desert Adventure Tours. He is an avid hiker, kayaker, and mountain biker.